Theory of autevolution: References

Kineman, J. 1997. Theory of Autevolution



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I wish to thank Jesse R. Kineman, who helped greatly with many
concepts; Dr. Larry Goldberg and Dr. Jim Lodge for their kind
suggestions and comments on several drafts of this paper, Joy
Ikelman for copy editing and production of the graphs, the external
reviewers who provided valuable criticism and forced me to consider
a wider range of views, and Patty Kineman, who lent moral support
and tolerated my seemingly endless revisions. This acknowledgement
does not imply agreement or endorsement on the part of these individuals
for the final form of the document or the expressed views.

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Reprinted from: Kineman, John Jay. 1991. “Gaia: Hypothesis
or worldview?” Chapter 7 In: Schneider, S. H., and P. J.
Boston (eds). 1991. Scientists on Gaia. Papers delivered
at the American Geophysical Union’s annual Chapman Conference
in March, 1988. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 433p.

Please cite as: Kineman, John Jay. 1997. “Toward a special
and general theory of autevolution.” Boulder: Bear Mountain
Institute. HTML publication on the World Wide Web.
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John Jay Kineman

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